Installation of the color 128x128 SPI LCD
on Arduino and Raspberry

This display comes with a 3V onboard regulator and has (probably) 5V tolerant logic inputs. The backlight "LED" pin goes to 3.3V. For Raspberry Pi operation, bypass the onboard voltage regulator by bridging JP1 with solder as described below.

Setup instructions for Arduino:

2. Pin connections to Arduino

Connect the display in the following way to Arduino Uno, Nano, Pro-mini:
Display pin ---> Arduino pin
VCC ---> 5V
GND ---> GND
CS ---> D10
Reset ---> D12
A0 ---> D9
SDA ---> D11
SCK ---> D13
LED ---> 3.3V
Now copy and paste the following sketch into your arduino IDE:

Text displayed

Your LCD should now display the above text

Coming soon: Setup for Raspberry Pi

stay tuned